Scientific Committee
Andrzej B. Ajdukiewicz (Poland), György L. Balázs (Hungary), Josée Bastien (Canada), Hans Beushausen (South Africa), Wolfgang Brameshuber (Germany), Rolf Breitenbücher (Germany), Harald Budelmann (Germany), John Cairns (United Kingdom), Manfred Curbach (Germany), Frank Dehn (Germany), Marco di Prisco (Italy), Michael Fardis (Greece), Christoph Gehlen (Germany), Mette Geiker (Denmark), Carl-Alexander Graubner (Germany), Petr Hajek (Czeck Republik), Will Hansen (United States of America), Josef Hegger (Germany), Johann Kollegger (Austria), Herbert Mang (Austria), Peter Marti (Switzerland), Peter Maydl (Austria), Viktor Mechtcherine (Germany), Aurelio Muttoni (Switzerland), Franz Nestmann (Germany), Hans-Wolf Reinhardt (Germany), Koji Sakai (Japan), Thomas Seelig (Germany), Jürgen Schnell (Germany), Karl Schweizerhof (Germany), Surendra P. Shah (United States of America), Lidia Shehata (Brasil), Viktor Sigrist (Germany), Johan Silfwerbrand (Sweden), Lothar Stempniewski (Germany), Luc Taerwe (Belgium), Jean-Michel Torrenti (France), Lucie Vandewalle (Belgium), Jan L. Vitek (Czeck Republik), Werner Wagner (Germany), Joost Walraven (The Netherlands)
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald S. Müller
Dr.-Ing. Michael Haist
Dr.-Ing. Nico Herrmann
Symposium Secretariat
Gabriele Schmitt
Institute of Concrete Structures and Building Materials
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Gotthard-Franz-Str. 3
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608 44088
Fax: +49 721 608 48400
E-Mail: fib-phd ∂does-not-exist.imb kit edu