Paper submission
Papers and presentations should be related to the general field of civil engineering including:
(1) Structural analysis and design
(2) Innovative structural systems
(3) Advanced materials
(4) Sustainability and cost efficiency
(5) Strengthening and repair
(6) Monitoring
Please use the MS WORD document template for writing your abstract provided in the Download section.
Abstracts should not exceed 1500 characters and should
- explain the motivation of your research project,
- name the goal of your research work,
- describe the key steps, which will be taken to reach the desired goal and
- summarize the results you will be presenting in your paper and presentation.
Please name at least one topic (1 to 6, see above or (7) for other) your work can be classified in. Further add at least 4 key words, representative for your work.
In your abstract please name
- your name,
- the institution your are working at,
- your supervising Professor and
- your contact date (postal address, phone no., email address).
Please email your abstract (MS Word document + PDF version of document) to
The files (Word and PDF) should be named after your first and last name, e.g.
michael.miller.doc or michael.miller.docx
Please put “Abstract” in the subject line of your email to help us manage your inquiries.
Deadline for the abstract submission is October 14, 2011. You will be informed upon acceptance of your abstract by November 18, 2011.
In case your abstract has been accepted you will be asked to prepare a paper. Deadline for paper submission is
new deadline: February 17, 2012.
Please use the MS WORD document template for writing your abstract provided in the Download section. Please note: Only MS Word files with correct formatting can be accepted! We apologize for not being able to accept other formats (such as TeX, Framemaker, …).
Papers should not exceed 6 pages including text, graphs, pictures and literature references. The paper should
- explain the motivation of your research project,
- name the goal of your research work,
- describe the key steps, which will be taken to reach the desired goal,
- describe the (experimental) methods, the materials used, the experimental procedure or the computational procedures,
- show key results,
- include a detailed discussion of your results with reference to literature data (if possible),
- give conclusions and recommendations to other civil engineers.
Please name at least one topic (1 to 6, see above, or (7) other) your work can be classified in. Further add at least 4 key words, representative for your work.
Important: Please use all possible help (MS Word spell check + grammar check; help from colleagues) to ensure your paper has as little errors and typos as possible, as the Scientific Committee cannot proofread your document for spelling.
Please email your paper (MS Word document + PDF version of document) to
The files (Word and PDF) should be named after the number you will be assigned after the abstract acceptance.
Please put “Paper No. XXX” in the subject line to help us manage your inquiries.
Deadline for paper submission is February 17, 2012. You will be informed upon acceptance of your paper by April 15, 2012. Your then have another 4 weeks to react on the reviewers comments and to submit
the final manuscript and a 2 page summary by April 30, 2012.